► Description:
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درباره این کتاب:
This book
presents information on common-to-rare
organisms from around the world that
inhabit freshwater habitats. The first
six chapters focus on organisms from the
very small (e.g., protozoa, zooplankton,
and fairy shrimp) to the huge (e.g.,
hippos, freshwater sharks, and giant
turtles), while the last four chapters
provide information on aquatic
ecosystems (lakes, streams, caves, and
wetlands). Included in this last section
are the physical nature of the system
and how that influences the kinds of
animals living there. This unique
“nature” book, incorporating information
from around the world on both aquatic
systems and organisms, is written to
attract the interest of a wide group of
non-academic readers.
■ در این کتاب چه
2: Chapter 1: Otterly Wonderful
Will the Real Otter Please Step Forth?
Where or Where Can My Otter Be?
Menu Preferences and Food Acquisition
Social Structure and Interactions
Urban Otters
Chapter 2: Fairies and Other Small Hidden
Single-Celled Organisms: Protozoa and
Other Protista
Hairybacks: Phylum Gastrotricha
Seed Shrimps: Phylum Ostracoda
Zooplankton: Rotifers, Copepods, and
Macroorganisms: Simple and Complex
Sponges: “Not” What You Buy in the Grocery
Store—Phylum Cnidaria
Hydra and Freshwater Jellyfish: Phylum
Freshwater Flatworms: Phylum
Moss Animals: Phylum Ectoprocta (or
Mussels and Clams: Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Arthropoda
Freshwater Insects
Decapod Crustaceans: Crayfish, Crabs, and
Life in Ephemeral Environments: Fairy
Shrimp and Both Near and Distant Relatives
For More Information
Further Reading
Chapter 3: Something Is Fishy About This
The Origin of Freshwater Fishes
Freshwater Habitat Requirements
Trophic Positions, Feeding Techniques, and
Fish Reproduction
Conservation of Freshwater Fish Fauna
Chapter 4: Leviathans and Lightning
Not All Giants Are in Fairy Tales
River Horses
Those Cold-Blooded, Reptile Predators
Giant Salamanders and Frogs
Colossal Fishes
Gargantuan Crustaceans
A Stroke of Bad Luck?
How Do They Do It?
Other Electric Users: Australian
A Historical Note on Animals and
Chapter 5: Busy Beavers and Other Aquatic
Caddisfly Homes: Cases and Nets
Burrowing Crayfish
Muskrat Lodges
Beavers: The Master Architects and
Distribution and Anatomical Portrait of
Keystone Species
Family Life from Kits to Maturity
Beavers as Carpenters and Ecosystem
The Beaver’s Near Demise and Current
Chapter 6: Strangers in a Strange Aquatic
What Is So Strange About a Stranger?
If You See a Mammal Swimming Next to You,
It Might Not Be a Human
Freshwater Seals
Freshwater Dolphins
Sirens of the Tropical Forest: Manatees
Freshwater Sharks and Stingrays
Invaders on the Move
Chapter 7: Lakes: Turning of the Seasons
How to Make a Lake
Ice Rises
Turn, Turn, Turn!
Life on the Edge
Food Webs
Those Nasty Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green
Protecting Our Aquatic Systems
Chapter 8: Still Waters Run Deep
Of People and Rivers
Physical Attributes for Defining Rivers:
Power Function, Turbulence, and Flow
The Good and Bad of Dams and Levees
The Shape of Rivers Now and Then
Home in the River: Where Critters Live and
Chapter 9: The Darkness Underfoot
The Waters Below
Interstitial Habitats
Other Habitats Where the Sun Doesn’t Shine
Cavern, Cave, and Spring Creatures
Ending This Chapter with a Special and
Important Warning to Readers
Chapter 10: Wetlands, Bogs, and Some Other
Bizarre Habitats
Ephemeral to Permanent, Mostly Lentic
Systems of a Sometimes-Unusual Nature!
Defining Wetlands
How Wet Are Wetlands?
Are Wetlands Different from Ponds and
An Abundance of Wetland Creatures
Other Wetland Residents
Threats to Wetlands and Public Perceptions
What Is So Bizarre About Bizarre Habitats?
The Good, Bad, and Ugly of Bogs
Acidic Bogs
Stinky Water
Bog Bodies
Salt of the Earth
Some Like It Hot, Others Play It Cool
In Hot Water
Colder Than a Gravestone in Winter
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