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  سایت کتابت خرید اینترنتی کتابهای شیلات و علوم دریایی
کتابهای رایگان شیلات و آبزیان کتابهای چاپ  جدید شیلات و آبزیان خرید بسته ای کتاب طبقه بندی موضوعی کتابها
  طبقه‌بندی موضوعی : بهداشت و بیماری‌های آبزیان کد محصول: 1183  

Nutritional Fish and Shrimp Pathology_A Handbook
◄ تصویر مولفین:
Loc Tran Albert G.J. Tacon
لوک تران
آلبرت تیکون

► Title→
نام کتاب
Nutritional Fish and Shrimp Pathology_A Handbook
► Author [s]→
Albert G.J. Tacon
Loc Tran
► Publisher &
ناشر / سال نشر
CABI / 2022
► Pages:
تعداد صفحات
► Sample pages:
نمونه صفحات، برای
بزرگنمایی، کلیک کنید:
نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب
نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب نمونه صفحه کتاب
► Description:

■ درباره این کتاب:

Correct nutrition in farmed animals is essential to healthy stock and an economically sustainable high yield. In aquaculture, nutrition is particularly important as the costs of feed can be 40 or 50% of total production costs. In recent years, the aquaculture feed industry has advanced rapidly with the introduction of many commercially available feeds containing scientifically formulated and balanced diets to enhance growth and yield in specific species. Many feeds also now include ingredients aimed particularly at enhancement of stock health. The field of nutritional pathology is concerned with the study of those health disorders and ailments which result from nutrient deficiencies or dietary imbalances. This exciting new book provides an up-to-date and user-friendly practical guide on nutritional pathology in the main commercially farmed species of fish and shrimp. The book commences with an overview of the importance of nutrition in health management and the interaction between culture system, disease, and the environment. The book then covers disorders in protein nutrition, lipid nutrition, mineral nutrition, and vitamin nutrition. The book also encompasses comprehensive details of endogenous plant anti-nutritional factors, exogenous feed contaminants, and feed biosecurity. A Handbook of Nutritional Disorders and Diseases of Fish and Shrimp is an ideal resource for personnel within the aquaculture industry and suppliers to the industry. Particularly personnel within animal feed companies and animal health companies, especially any scientist responsible for feed formulation within animal feed companies. Fish farm managers and technicians will also find it useful, as well as companies providing fish feeding equipment, personnel within universities and research establishments where aquaculture is studied and taught, including biochemists, chemists, biological scientists, fish pathologists, food and feed scientists, nutritionists, fish veterinarians, animal scientists, and aquaculture scientists. The proposed book will also provide a reference for students who are taking up courses such as Fish Nutritional Biochemistry, Fish Health, and Fish Nutrition and Feed Formulation, amongst others.

■ در این کتاب چه می‌خوانیم:
 1. Introduction
2. Disorders in protein and amino acid nutrition
3. Disorders in lipid nutrition
3.1 Dietary essential fatty acid deficiency
3.2 Oxidization of dietary lipids
4. Disorders in mineral nutrition
5. Disorders in vitamin nutrition
6. Anti-nutritional factors in feed ingredients
6.1 Protease inhibitors
6.2 Lectins
6.3 Saponins
6.4 Phytoestrogens
6.5 Glucosinolates
6.6 Phytic acid
6.7 Tannins
6.8 Cyanogens
6.9 Allergens
6.10 Oligosaccharides & non-starch polysaccharides
6.11 Miscellaneous anti-nutritional factors
6.12 Processing methods for removal
7. Feed contaminants
7.1 Mycotoxins
8. Concluding remarks

◄ مطالعه این کتاب برای کلیه علاقمندان بهداشت و بیماریهای آبزیان، برای نوشتن مقاله و پایان‌نامه مفید است.

تماس با ادمین در اینستاگرام
تماس با ادمین در اینستاگرام
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قیمت هر کتاب این سایت، فقط:
10 هزار تومان

این مبلغ، صرف توسعه سایت علمی  fishbase.ir می‌شود

توجه: لینک دانلود تا قبل دریافت فایل، به مدت 8 ساعت معتبر است.
بعد از اتمام دانلود موفق، لینک خود به خود ودر همان لحظه منقضی می‌شود.
اگر در مراحل دانلود مشکلی داشتید، با پشتیبان (تلگرام یا چتِ سایت) صحبت کنید.

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