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کتابهای رایگان شیلات و آبزیان کتابهای چاپ  جدید شیلات و آبزیان خرید بسته ای کتاب طبقه بندی موضوعی کتابها
  طبقه‌بندی موضوعی : پرورش آبزیان کد محصول: 1079  

Aquaculture Microbiology
◄ تصویر مولفین:

Natarajan Amaresan 
John Thomas
ناتاراجان آمارسان جان تامس

► Title→
نام کتاب
Aquaculture Microbiology
► Author [s]→
John Thomas,
Natarajan Amaresan
► Publisher &
ناشر / سال نشر
Humana press / 2023
► Pages:
تعداد صفحات
► ISBN→ 1071630318, 9781071630310
► Sample pages:
نمونه صفحات، برای
بزرگنمایی، کلیک کنید:
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► Description:

■ درباره این کتاب:

This volume details techniques involved to study aquatic pathogens that cause infections, especially in fish. Chapters guide readers through a wide range of basic and advanced methods, viral and fungal pathogens, probiotic bacteria, treatment of pathogens using seaweed extract, medicinal plant extracts, and actinomycetes.  Authoritative and cutting-edge, Aquaculture Microbiology aims to be a useful practical guide to researches to help further their study in this field.

■ در این کتاب چه می‌خوانیم:

What is a shark? --1 Introduction 2 Materials 3 Methodology 3.1 Sample Collection and Processing 3.2 Agar Overlay Assay 3.2.1 Method-I 3.2.2 Method-II 3.3 Cell-Free Supernatant (CFS) Preparation 3.4 Antibacterial Activity by Agar Well Diffusion Assay 3.4.1 Determination of Bacteriocin Activity 3.5 Growth Dynamics and Bacteriocin Production 3.6 Broth Microdilution Assay 3.7 Time-Kill Assay 3.8 Time-Kill Co-culture Assay 3.9 Scanning Electron Microscopy 3.10 Purification of Bacteriocin 3.11 Characterization of Bacteriocin 3.11.1 Determination of Molecular Weight 3.11.2 Sensitivity of Probiotic-Generated Antibacterials to Microenvironments References Part III: Methods for Treating Infections in Fishes and Shrimps Chapter 17: Preparation of Marine Algal (Seaweed) Extracts and Quantification of Phytocompounds 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Reagents and Raw Materials Required 2.2 Collection of Seaweeds 3 Methods 3.1 Processing of Seaweed Extract 3.2 Extract Preparation (Conventional Method) 3.3 Phytochemical Detection in Seaweed Extracts 3.3.1 Alkaloids 3.3.2 Flavonoids 3.3.3 Carbohydrates 3.3.4 Test for Quinine 3.3.5 Test for Glycosides 3.3.6 Test for Triterpenes 3.3.7 Phenolics 3.3.8 Proteins 3.3.9 Phytosteroids and Steroids 3.3.10 Phlobatannins 3.3.11 Anthraquinones References Chapter 18: Treating Bacterial Infections in Fishes and Shrimps Using Seaweed Extracts 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Collection of Experimental Fishes [6] 2.2 Isolation of Bacterial Pathogen 2.3 Preparation of Bacterial Inoculum 3 Methods 3.1 Maintenance of Experimental Animals [7] 3.2 Collection and Processing of Seaweeds 3.3 Antibacterial Activity 3.4 Pathogenicity and Treatment of Seaweed Extracts References Chapter 19: Preparation and Treatment of Seaweed Encapsulated Pellet Feed in Fisheries Aquaculture 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Collection of Seaweeds and Experimental Fishes [11] 2.2 Extraction of Active Compounds 3 Methods 3.1 Preparation of Bioactive Compounds 3.2 Encapsulation of Active Compounds 3.3 Feed Treatment References Chapter 20: Treatment Using Seaweeds in Fishes and Shrimp by In Vivo Method 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Collection of Seaweeds 2.2 Preparation of Seaweed Extract 2.2.1 In Vitro Antibacterial Activity 2.3 Treatment Using Seaweed Extract 2.3.1 Bioassay 2.4 Treatment Using Pellet Feed 2.4.1 Preparation of Seaweed Diet 2.4.2 Feeding Trail 2.5 Determination of Immune Parameters After Bioactive Compound Administration 2.5.1 Blood Sample Analysis 3 Methods 3.1 Collection of Seaweeds 3.2 Preparation of Seaweed Extract 3.3 In Vitro Antibacterial Activity 3.4 Treatment Using Seaweed Extract 3.4.1 Bioassay 3.4.2 GC-MS Analysis of Seaweed Extract for Identification of Bioactive Compounds 3.4.3 FTIR Analysis for Identification of a Functional Group 3.5 Treatment Using Pellet Feed 3.5.1 Preparation of Seaweed Diet 3.5.2 Feeding Trail 3.5.3 Growth Performance 3.6 Determination of Immune Parameters After Bioactive Compound Administration 3.6.1 Blood Sample Analysis 3.6.2 RT-PCR Analysis 3.6.3 Histological Analysis References Part IV: Treatment Using Medicinal Plants Chapter 21: Treatment Using Medicinal Plants in Fish and Shrimp 1 Background 2 Soxhlet Method 2.1 Materials 2.2 Methods 3 Digestion 3.1 Materials 3.2 Methods 4 Plant Dye Extraction 4.1 Materials 4.2 Methods 4.3 Source of Medicinal Plant 4.4 Preparation of Fish Feed Formulations 4.5 Administration of Medicinal Plants in Aquaculture 4.6 Bacterial Diseases of Fish and Shrimp 5 Materials and Methods 5.1 Preparation of Herb Extracts 5.2 Antibacterial Tests 5.3 Efficiency of Herbs 5.4 Viral Diseases of Fish and Shrimp 5.4.1 Preparation of Viral Inoculum 5.4.2 Preparation of Plant Extracts 5.4.3 Determination of Antiviral Activity References Chapter 22: Preparation of Feed and Characterization of Feed Supplemented with Phytocompounds 1 Introduction 2 Materials 3 Methods 3.1 Preparation of Feed Supplemented with Phytocompounds 3.2 Aqua Feed Characterization 4 Conclusion References Part V: Aquatic Actinomycetes and Copepods Chapter 23: Isolation and Identification of Actinomycetes 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Isolation of Actinomycetes 3 Actinomycetes Identification 3.1 Staining Methods 3.2 Biochemical Tests 3.3 Molecular Identification 4 Methods 4.1 Pretreatment of Marine Sediment Samples 4.2 Isolation of Actinomycetes from Marine Sediments/Soil 4.3 Identification of Actinomycetes 4.3.1 Staining Methods and Biochemical Tests 4.3.2 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis 4.3.3 Molecular Identification References Chapter 24: Assay of Hemolytic Activity 1 Introduction 2 Materials 3 Methods 3.1 Hemolytic Assay [7] 3.2 In Vitro Hemolytic Assay References Chapter 25: Cytotoxicity Assay 1 Introduction 2 Materials 3 Methods 3.1 Assay of Cytotoxicity References Chapter 26: Antibacterial Activity and Extraction of Bioactive Compound from Actinomycetes 1 Introduction 2 Materials 3 Methods 3.1 In Vitro Antibacterial Activity 3.1.1 Primary Screening 3.1.2 Secondary Screening 3.2 Agar Well Diffusion Method 3.3 Extraction of the Bioactive Compound References Chapter 27: Isolation and Identification of Harpacticoid Copepod 1 Introduction 2 Materials 2.1 Collection of Zooplankton Sample 2.2 Isolation of Harpacticoid Copepod 2.3 Identification of Harpacticoid Copepods 2.3.1 Morphology 2.3.2 Camera Lucida Drawings 2.3.3 SEM Analysis 3 Methods 3.1 Collection of Zooplankton Sample 3.2 Isolation of Harpacticoid Copepod 3.3 Identification of Isolated Harpacticoid Copepod 3.3.1 Morphology 3.3.2 Camera Lucida Drawings 3.3.3 SEM Analysis.

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